These are courses that I have taught in the past.
LaTrobe University
Scientific Computing (Junior year) - 2010-2013 - This course focused on numerical methods. Topics included numerical root finding, optimization, integration, and numerical differential equation solving.
Linear Algebra (Freshmen) - 2010 - Standard first year linear algebra course covering vectors, matrices, eigenvalues, and linear transformations.
California Institute of Technology
Galois theory and representation theory (Sophmore)- 2013-2016 - Field extensions, Galois groups, and representation theory.
Combinatorial Analysis (Graduate) - 2015-2016 - Graph theory and other related combinatorial problems.
Quantum calculus and q-special functions (Graduate) - 2013 - The theory of discrete calculus and their associated discrete hypergeometric functions.
University of Main, Orono
Calculus 1 (Freshmen) -2017 - Standard course on differentiation, integration, and differential equations.
Algebra (Graduate) -2016 - Course on Linear Algebra with a focus on Lie Algebras
Differential equations and linear algebra (Sophomore) - 2017 - A course on linear differential equations and abstract linear algebra.